What You Should Know About Exercising Before And After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine

It’s that time! You’re either about to get your vaccine or already got at least one dose, but you’re wondering whether or not you should exercise. Here’s what you need to know about working out before and after getting vaccinated.

Exercising Before Getting Vaccinated

Working out before getting the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t a bad or a good decision. It actually depends on the workout and your body. Exercise in general is beneficial for your body and can help you maintain a healthy state. However, overdoing it can have the opposite effect on your body.

If you want to workout hard to meet a certain goal you have, try to plan on achieving your goal before getting your vaccine. Getting the COVID-19 vaccination even a few days after your workout can hurt rather than benefit you. Simply put, your immune system needs to be in good shape to be able to accept the vaccine and recover from any side effects smoothly.

Exercising After Getting Vaccinated

Let’s get something cleared. Experiencing side effects due to getting vaccinated without even exercising is possible. But the good news is that they should disappear within a few days. Some of the side effects are redness, pain, headache, muscle pain, fever, nausea, and chills. As a result, working out will really depend on how your body reacts to the coronavirus vaccine. If you have fever or just don’t feel good, don’t exercise. It’s your body’s way of telling you “hey, check back later.”

This doesn’t mean you should stay all day in bed. You should still get your body moving. Take a walk at the park or even just around in your house. It’s important to take care of yourself; don’t forget to stay hydrated. Listen to your body and what it’s signaling you.

Plan Your Workout

Try not to schedule any workout classes (if it’s non-refundable for example) on the day of the vaccine or even days after it because you won’t really know how your body will react to the COVID-19 vaccination.

You might feel the need of being productive and keeping up with your workout routine. But remember, it won’t hurt you to give your body a rest. If you’re not feeling it and try to push through instead, you’ll actually be counterproductive. You won’t be able to do your best and probably even just go with the flow of your workout just to feel like you’re being active throughout the day. You won’t even feel happy that you’re continuing to exercise even after the vaccination. You’ll feel too tired and too annoyed that you kept exercising instead.

On the other hand, if you don’t experience any side effects, feel free to workout for how long or hard you want. You can even exercise if you feel some side effects but are able to tolerate them. You know your body more than anyone else.

Don't forget to leave a comment and share this article to inform more people about exercising before and after getting the COVID-19 vaccination. If you already got vaccinated, what was your experience? Did you try to workout before or after getting the vaccine?


Business Insider Can You Exercise After Your COVID-19 Vaccine

Health Exercise After COVID-19 Vaccine

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